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Eastern Athletic Association of the Deaf, Inc.

Constitution and By-Laws

Part 2 (continued)

SECTION 2.   Vice President.

The Vice President shall perform the following duties:

iiii. Have the power to perform the duties of the President in the absence of the inability of the latter
       to act.
iiii. Serve as the Chairperson of the Law Committee.
 iii. Mail updated changes and corrections as well as the typo errors made in the Constitution and
       Bylaws, Basketball, Softball and EAAD Hall of Fame to member clubs, member team franchises,
       the Executive Board and Board of Directors within sixty (60) days following the Delegates

SECTION 3.   Secretary-Treasurer.

In addition to the duties specified by the Delegates, the Secretary-Treasurer shall perform the
following duties:

iiii. Serve as the Chairperson of the Law Committee in the absence of Vice President.
iiii. Be bonded in such sum as the Delegates may from time to time determine by vote.

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One Spirit, One Team,