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Eastern Athletic Association of the Deaf, Inc.

Constitution and By-Laws

Part 2 (continued)

SECTION 3.   Secretary-Treasurer. (continued)

 iii. Keep minutes of all Association meetings, handling all correspondences for this Association
       and notify the member clubs, team franchises, Delegates and Board of Directors of the dates
       and times of all Association meetings.
 iv. Distribute copies of minutes of the Board of Directors and Delegates meeting to all delegates
       within thirty (30) days following the Board of Directors and Delegates meeting and thirty
       (30) daysprior to the next the Board of Directors and Delegates meeting.
iiv. Keep all duplicate copies of all his/her correspondences for this Association.
ivi. Print registration cards for the Championship Tournament sessions and send the same to
       the chairperson of the next host prior to said Championship Tournament.
 vii. Collect all dues, Created on where applicable, from the clubs, teams and individuals.
viii. Receive all money of this Association and pay bills approved by the President with the
        consent of the Executive Board.
  ix. Establish a bank account in the name of this Association of his/her residential city.
iix. Make all withdrawals and payments by bank check supported by vouchers and receipts and
       countersigned by the President.
  xi. Deposit receipts in the amount received and all deposits shall be supported by written evidence
       of source of the money.

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One Spirit, One Team,