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Eastern Athletic Association of the Deaf, Inc.

Constitution and By-Laws

Part 2 (continued)

SUBSECTION 1(d).   Each past officer of this Association and each past district President shall be
                                       entitled to attend the Delegates meeting as delegate-at-large, only if he/she is
                                       not attending the meeting as an officer of this Association, club delegate,
                                       team delegate or committee delegate.

SUBSECTION 1(e).   The general chairperson of the Championship Tournament shall be entitled to
                                       attend the Delegates meeting at the time of the Championship Tournament
                                       during his/her tenure.

SUBSECTION 1(f).    Committee chairpersons and all appointed members shall be the delegates
                                       during their terms.

SECTION 2.   Delegate Rules.

SUBSECTION 2(a).   The appointment of every delegate shall be in writing, duly certified by
                                       the secretary of member club or team franchise management presented to
                                       the Secretary-Treasurer at the Delegates meeting.

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