SUBSECTION 1(b). They shall audit and examine the accounts of the Secretary-Treasurer at the
Championship Tournament. They shall make the report during the meeting
of the Board of Directors and Delegates. The Chairperson of the Auditing
Committee shall have the sole responsibility for making report in person
at the Board of Directors and Delegates meeting.
SUBSECTION 1(c). The Auditing Committee shall also, on the order of the President, require the
Secretary-Treasurer to turn over of all checkbooks, books, papers, vouchers,
bank statements and other records pertaining to his/her office to the
Auditing Committee.
SECTION 2. Law Committee.
SUBSECTION 2(a). The Law Committee shall consist of the Vice President as chairperson and
four (4) members appointed by Vice President from this Association.
Such appointed Law Committee members serve for a term of one
(1) year, starting as of May 1and terminating on April 30.