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Eastern Athletic Association of the Deaf, Inc.

Basketball Guideline

SECTION 7.   Trophies and Awards.

SUBSECTION 7(a).   The host shall acquire trophies and awards for men and women each and the
                                       President shall present trophies as follows:

                                               i.  First through third places and consolation champion
                                              ii.  Ten All-star players
                                             iii.  Most Valuable Player
                                             iv.  Coach of the Tournament
                                              v.  Team Sportsmanship
                                             vi.  Most Outstanding Player

                                             In the event of seven (7) or less teams participating, the Tournament
                                             Director and host shalldetermine the number of the trophies.

SUBSECTION 7(b).   All-star selection shall be based on solely on the players´ performance in
                                       the Basketball Championship Tournament.

SUBSECTION 7(c).   The Executive Board shall decide award prize to championship and
                                       runner up.

bluebar basketball

One Spirit, One Team,