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Eastern Athletic Association of the Deaf, Inc.

Hall of Fame Guideline

EAAD Hall of Fame Selection Criteria

POINT RANKING SYSTEM:   The Point Ranking System shall show you how the Committees will count the points as follows:

ANNOUNCEMENT:   Selections are announced on December 15 of each year.

AWARDS PRESENTATION:   The honors and presentation of the EAAD Hall of Fame awards shall
be made at the [breakfast arranged for this purpose to begin at no later than nine o´clock (9:00 AM) on Sunday morning of the Basketball Championship Tournament. The breakfast room shall be served
solely for the EAAD Hall of Fame activities by the host of the Basketball Championship Tournament.]

The inductee shall receive the citation in the form of the plaque in recognition of his/her achievement and EAAD Lifetime Pass.

COMMITTEE:   The EAAD Director of Hall of Fame shall have full control of the EAAD Hall of Fame breakfast room, menu, program book and guest speaker.

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