Delegates Meeting - (continued)
New Business Report: (Christina Costello)
2. John Perry moves to change the tournament prize to: If more than 10 teams, the first 4 teams will
1. get prizes, if there are 7-9 teams, the first 3 teams will get prizes, if there are 5-6 teams, the prizes
1. will go to the first 2 teams. If there are 4 and less teams, the winner takes all. 1-4 - 1st 50%,
1. 2nd 30%, 3rd 15%, 4th 5%; 1-3 - 1st 50%, 2nd 30%, 3rd 20%; 1-2 - 1st 65%, 2nd 35%.
1. Heidi Schumacher seconded. 1. PASSED
3. John Perry moves that the fees for tournament bid under Article 1 – EAAD Basketball
1. Tournament: 2E
be changed from $200 holding fee to $100 holding fee. Chuck Wallace
1. seconded. PASSED
4. John Perry moves that the fees for tournament bid under Article 1 – EAAD Basketball
1. Tournament: 2E be changed from $100 performance bond to $200 performance bond.
1. Heidi Schumacher seconded. PASSED
5. John Perry moves that the fees for liability insurance coverage for tournament bid under
1. Article 1 – EAAD Basketball Tournament: 2E be waived since we are affiliated with
1. USADB and we are covered under them. Seconded by Carl Colon. Chuck Wallace
1. amended: effective immediately. Seconded by Paul Mitchell. PASSED
6. John Perry moves that the fees for tournament bid under Article 1 – EAAD Basketball
1. Tournament: 2E, the $100 holding fee deposit is nonrefundable if the host is rejected or
1. not acted upon. Heidi Schumacher seconded. PASSED
7. Carl Colon moves that EAAD shall pay for referees, transportations, hotels and trophies.
1. John Thomas seconded. FAILED