Delegates Meeting - (continued)
President Report: (Stewart Gerlis)
2. Unfortunately, Michael Shiffer, EAAD Secretary/Treasurer broke his hip while playing basketball
and is unable to put together the financial report for us tonight. After he recovers, he will send
you all the financial report. We have the bank statement here if you wish to look over it.
3. Kim Arrigo has agreed to help out tonight as temporary secretary.
4. I am proud to share that I kept my promise to you and accomplished two goals. EAAD now has
its own liability insurance which cost EAAD $589.95 for six months (Nov. 19, 2011 - March 12, 2012)
for a coverage of two million dollars and a website ( The website is not completed
but when it is done, you will see many photos, archives, hall of fame, basketball brackets,
all star players, most valuable players, etc. The website designer is Daniela Farkas.
EAAD will pay her for her services. This will be discussed in the new business.
5. I had to cancel EAAD basketball invitational tournament at Fanwood on Saturday, February 4, 2012
due to insufficient teams. It hurt EAAD financially. Without your support and participation,
EAAD cannot provide you with better prizes, etc. Keep in mind that EAAD has expenses such as
liability insurance, website and national basketball dues, officers, etc. and we need your help.
6. I learned that the National Deaf Basketball Organization (NDBO) violated its constitution and by-laws
by affiliating other region while EAAD is still affiliated with NDBO. Christina, EAAD Vice-President
made several attempts to reach them via email but got no response. I do not think we should
continue to affiliate with NDBO because they betrayed us. I will leave this to the delegates
to decide. This will be discussed in the new business.