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Eastern Athletic Association of the Deaf, Inc.

Constitution and By-Laws

Part 2 (continued)

SUBSECTION 2(b).   Automotive mileage expenses based on Internal Revenue Service
                                       Contributions´ rate-mileag from his/her residency to the Championship
                                       Tournament site and back shall be reimbursed out of the treasury of this
                                       Association and of the host sponsoring such tournament on a fifty-fifty
                                       (50-50) basis.

SUBSECTION 2(c).   The transportation expenses of five (5) officers of the Board of Directors
                                       to and from the host site for the purpose of the tournament drawings
                                       shall be paid out of the treasury of this Association and of the host on
                                       a fifty-fifty (50-50) basis.   If the Tournament Director cannot attend the
                                       tournament drawings, then one member of the Executive Board shall
                                       take his/her place for the tournament drawings.

SECTION 3.   Expenses of the Delegates.

This Association shall not be held responsible for the transportation, lodging, lost-time compensation and combination ticket expenses incurred by delegate attending Board of Directors meeting.

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