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Eastern Athletic Association of the Deaf, Inc.

Constitution and By-Laws

Part 2 (continued)

SECTION 2.   Quorum.

At the Delegates meeting, a quorum shall consist of delegates from at least thirty percent (30%) the member clubs and team franchises.

SECTION 3.   Order of Meeting.

At the Board of Directors and Delegates meeting, the order of business shall pertain only to the subject
of basketball and softball, depending on the type of Championship Tournament held at the time
of the meeting.   The following is order of business, as follows: (1) Roll Call; (2) Approval of Previous
Minutes of the Meeting; (3) Treasurer´s Report; (4) President´s Report; (5) Vice President´s Report;
(6) Secretary´s Report; (7) Law Committee´s Report; (8) Committees´ Report; (9) Unfinished Business;
(10) New Business; (11) Bidding for the Tournament Sites; (12) Elections; (13) Announcements;
and (14) Adjournment.

bluebar basketball

One Spirit, One Team,